About us

Our principles

Striving for

We offer our clients the convenience and security of an up front fixed-price contract that covers every one of their building needs.

From the second you select the perfect site, to the time we hand over the keys to your new home or investment property, we provide all the services you need so you never have to worry about any unexpected costs. And, as registered builders we help you even more by offering construction services at below-market rates.


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Say goodbye to
hidden costs

First new home buyers and property investors often don’t realise how much hidden costs can drive up the cost of their new house and land package. Property marketing agents, financial planners and financial advisors, property education providers, and other parties are waiting in the wings just to collect their cut.

We’ve seen it all before, and that’s why we started Smart Value Property. We help people who might be new to the property investment win big by eliminating the middle men so they never pay for unnecessary services.

Total amount saved by our clients $750,000
Average capital gains yield achieved 8%

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Abolish those equity thieves!

Imagine for a moment that you’ve been given a set price for your new house and land package…let’s say $470,000. Maybe you then go to sign the contract for the purchase of the land of $220,000, then you sign a building contract with the builder for $250,000 to start construction.

Now here’s where the hidden costs kick in. Typically, the cost of construction plus the builder’s margin would be around $200,000 to $220,000. But wait a second…where does the extra $30,000 to $50,000 go? You guessed it…to all the so-called agents that “introduced” you to the property.

Now here’s where the hidden costs kick in. Typically, the cost of construction plus the builder’s margin would be around $200,000 to $220,000. But wait a second…where does the extra $30,000 to $50,000 go? You guessed it…to all the so-called agents that “introduced” you to the property.

Now here’s where the hidden costs kick in. Typically, the cost of construction plus the builder’s margin would be around $200,000 to $220,000. But wait a second…where does the extra $30,000 to $50,000 go? You guessed it…to all the so-called agents that “introduced” you to the property.

Now here’s where the hidden costs kick in. Typically, the cost of construction plus the builder’s margin would be around $200,000 to $220,000. But wait a second…where does the extra $30,000 to $50,000 go? You guessed it…to all the so-called agents that “introduced” you to the property.

So how do we do it?

Imagine for a moment that you’ve been given a set price for your new house and land package…let’s say $470,000. Maybe you then go to sign the contract for the purchase of the land of $220,000, then you sign a building contract with the builder for $250,000 to start construction.

Now here’s where the hidden costs kick in. Typically, the cost of construction plus the builder’s margin would be around $200,000 to $220,000. But wait a second…where does the extra $30,000 to $50,000 go? You guessed it…to all the so-called agents that “introduced” you to the property.

Now here’s where the hidden costs kick in. Typically, the cost of construction plus the builder’s margin would be around $200,000 to $220,000. But wait a second…where does the extra $30,000 to $50,000 go? You guessed it…to all the so-called agents that “introduced” you to the property.

So how do we do it?

Imagine for a moment that you’ve been given a set price for your new house and land package…let’s say $470,000. Maybe you then go to sign the contract for the purchase of the land of $220,000, then you sign a building contract with the builder for $250,000 to start construction.

Now here’s where the hidden costs kick in. Typically, the cost of construction plus the builder’s margin would be around $200,000 to $220,000. But wait a second…where does the extra $30,000 to $50,000 go? You guessed it…to all the so-called agents that “introduced” you to the property.

Now here’s where the hidden costs kick in. Typically, the cost of construction plus the builder’s margin would be around $200,000 to $220,000. But wait a second…where does the extra $30,000 to $50,000 go? You guessed it…to all the so-called agents that “introduced” you to the property.

Average annual rental yield achieved 5,5%
Properties sold and delivered 19

We provide the following services

We strive to bring to our clients a comprehensive and value solution that covers all of their property investing needs.

Property Search,
Sale and Construction

«Smart Investor- (Premium service-$159/month*) Designed to help investors achieve greater ROI by exposing them to exclusive deals.

Providing assistance in securing Finance

«Smart Investor- (Premium service-$159/month*) Designed to help investors achieve greater ROI by exposing them to exclusive deals.

Smart Investor – Premium Service Exclusive deals

«Smart Investor- (Premium service-$159/month*) Designed to help investors achieve greater ROI by exposing them to exclusive deals.

Smart Partner
Partnership seasoned

«Smart Investor- (Premium service-$159/month*) Designed to help investors achieve greater ROI by exposing them to exclusive deals.

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